The Masterclass

Register and get the business blueprint to grow past one million dollars in sales quickly and profitably in the USA


The 6-Week Masterclass

This 6-week life changing masterclass gives small business owners and entrepreneurs from the MENA region the business development blueprint to blow past $1 Million Dollars in sales in the US Market quickly and profitably. This masterclass will save you years of frustration.

  • Stop spinning your wheels and making the mistakes that keep you small and unprofitable.

  • Get the blueprint and create a competitive, profitable, scalable business in the US market.

  • Get tools and systems for: marketing, service delivery, basic financial controls and reporting, leadership, goal setting, hiring and building your team.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to grow and expand your business in the US. Maybe you are just exploring. The great news is that you don’t have to be rich, well connected or part of an elite group to succeed.

  • Use this blueprint to build your business. We will walk you through the fundamentals to establish and build a solid, profitable business model in the US market so you can grow with confidence

  • This masterclass gives small business owners and entrepreneurs from the MENA region the business development blueprint to blow past $1 Million Dollars in sales quickly and profitably

The 6-week life changing masterclass

Get the business blueprint to blow past $1 Million Dollars in sales in the US market quickly and profitably



  • This masterclass is for you if you are a business owner or entrepreneur in the MENA region that would like to grow and expand in the US market. We’ve grown multiple businesses to exceed one million dollars in sales in the US and we would love to see you succeed.

  • You don’t have to be well connected or well educationed or wealthy to qualify. Anyone can grow a business to exceed 1 million dollars in the US market who is serious about this. Our only requirement is that you already have a business and have sold your product or service to customers.

  • The price of this masterclass is $495. However if you are willing to take 30-60 minutes of your time to answer our survey, we will waive this fee so it’s free.

  • This masterclass is 6 weeks in length. There’s a one hour weekly live Zoom video meeting. Then you’ll want to spend 2-3 hours on your own during the week. After 6 weeks, you’ll have the roadmap to grow and expand your business in the US market.

The Top 10 Books To Grow Your Business To $1 Million Dollars

Get the list of the top 10 books (and the key insight from each book) that will help you grow your business to exceed $1 Million Dollars in real revenue. These are the same books that helped us grow into a multi-million dollar business. Get the free guide.